Archive for September, 2009

In which I distract you from my lack of pictures by redirecting you to other blogs…

I know I’ve been a bit absent around here lately and that is because I got a second job and have had a lot less time for all this internetty stuff.  I am still knitting, but goodness, once you factor in the uploading of pics and info to flickr, ravelry, and the blog…that’s a lot of virtual bases to cover!  It’ll get better, though, as I find some balance between work, work and home. 

I recently finished a tiny pair of fingerless mitts for Elle for Christmas and am almost finished with another pair for another little girl who will be turning 2 this week.  Happy birthday, Anna!  The tinyness of these mitts is ridiculously and painfully cute.  I’ll put a pic up next time I’ve got a camera handy.

So, since I have no real pictures to put up, I will link you to better blogs than this one where you can see some things I’m interested in/planning on doing/amused by.

One Pretty Thing has a post entirely dedicated to creepy halloween food.  I am very interested in making cookies that look like fingers this year, but this post is inspiring me to go all out.  Bloodshot Eye Cheeseball, anyone?

Uncommon Grace recently put up a really basic muffin recipe.  Fall is the time for muffins, I think. 

TECHKnitting, a site that has improved my knitting so much over the past year, has a tutorial about weaving in too-short ends.  What a clever lady she is.

101 cookbooks put up a nice autumnal recipe for corn pudding inside roasted Acorn (which I feel should be spelled egg-corn) squash.  This food blog often has really complicated recipes on it (ie recipes with more than 7 ingredients), but this seems pretty simple and I’d really like to make soon.

Mighty Girl is making me dissatisfied with my life with her amazing pictures from her trip to Greece.  Not cool, Maggie. 

Well, next time, I swear to you I will have pictures.  The mitts, the cowl I just finished and a hat on the way from my most favorite Malabrigo color ever!

Back in the swing

I’m back!

Oh, wait, did I not tell you I was leaving?

Oops, my bad.

Well, if you must know, I was extremely busy sailing the high seas on the Queen Mary II, with David, my mother-in-law, and my trusty room steward Larry, who didn’t even bat an eye when I asked for a frozen chocolate bomb, a club sandwich, a caprese salad, an egg salad sandwich, an order of fries and a cup of tea at 3am (and, lord love him, he asked if that was all I wanted as if he worried that wouldn’t be enough).


We sailed out of NYC and spent the entirety of Labor Day weekend becoming less and less satisfied with our real lives. It was glorious.

But, now I’m back. I did get a bit of knitting done over the last week or so–not much, be enough to write a blog so that my adoring fans (mom) will be subdued.


Look at these! Fingerless gloves! Now, I know what you are thinking “Another pair of fingerless gloves, huh? Seriously? You are becoming quite the one trick pony aren’t you?” First of all, that’s hurtful. Secondly, fingerless gloves have three very attractive factors: 1. They are cool. B. They knit up quickly and III. They are fun to do.

[On a side note, don’t my fingers look shiny in this pic?  I don’t know what the deal is with that]

These are for my beautiful cousin, Leah, who just started college (omg) as an Opera major. She gave us a tour of her campus a couple weeks ago, and showed us the practice rooms where she’ll be spending hours a day singing and playing piano. They are in the basement of a building not far from her dorm. I thought that commute and those chilly rooms might benefit from some knitted love–and with fingerless gloves, she can keep warm and play at the same time! Here are the specs:

Pattern: Cabled Fingerless Gloves
Yarn: Vanna’s Choice Solid (washability was very important for this one)
Needles: US size 4

Look what else I made:


Aren’t these the sweetest little baby socks ever? I just love them! My boss’s daughter just had twins–one boy, one girl–and, well, you know that knitters live for babies, right? Exactly, so I really had no choice. I would like to make little matching hats for them, but I think I may have run out of steam on this project, so the socks will have to do.

Pattern: Jimmy’s Baby Bootie Set
Yarn: Sublime Organic Cotton dk
Needles: US size 4 dpn’s

Well, dearies, that is just about all that’s been happening around here. This weekend, Raven and I plan to watch about 17 hours of So You Think You Can Dance and also the latest episode of Glee, so I’m sure some knitting will get done at some point. I’m working on a pair of worsted weight knee socks for David (winter biking means one leg will be exposed to the cold), so I’ll check in with progress on those next week.


September 2009

So far...

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