Archive for February 4th, 2010

First things first

Whenever we move, one of the first things we do is go out and get a new shower head.  Isn’t that strange?  But it’s true–we’ve replaced the shower head at almost every apartment we’ve had.  At this house, the old shower head sort of pummelled me with a single stream of water, so I had to turn back and forth to rinse out my hair and I was afraid when washing my face that the pressure would pop my eye right out of its socket.  An uncomfortable shower is a terrible way to start your day. 


So, last night, we got a new one.  It’s a Waterpik EcoRain and this morning, I tried it out and I really enjoyed it.  It looks a lot like other more expensive shower heads, but we got it at Wal-Mart (I know–Home Depot was closed) for less than $30.  Our favorite thing is that it has a push-button to switch between the two modes (all over “rain” or a more concentrated stream), which we were excited about because all that turning of the showerhead this way and that at 6:30 in the morning means that you just end up keeping the same mode all the time, even though you’ve paid for a head with 14 settings.  This one is so easy to switch that this morning, I changed to the more concentrated setting to rinse out my shampoo and then back again for everything else and there was no cursing involved.  Anyway, I think I may have just reviewed a shower head, so that was strange.


February 2010

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